Can I Combine Breast Lift and Breast Reduction?

The size and weight of large breasts can cause them to sag and appear pendulous. As a result, many women who are considering a breast reduction wonder if the procedure can also include a breast lift that places the breasts in a higher, more youthful position. The answer is: almost certainly! In fact, most breast reduction patients require some lift to achieve their desired outcome. Fortunately, the two operations require generally similar incisions. For a small breast lift, the scar can be limited to the borders of the areola. Larger lifts and reductions require either the lollipop or the anchor scar. Therefore, there should be no additional scars when combining a lift with a reduction. Our board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Neal Goldberg, customizes every treatment plan to suit the needs and goals of the patient. During your initial consultation, he will evaluate your anatomic indicators and discuss your aesthetic ideals to develop a plan that can help you achieve the look you’ve always wanted.
