How Long Do Results Last After Facelift Surgery?

Many patients describe a facelift as having the ability to “turn back time,” but how long can this pause on aging actually last? One of the many benefits of this rejuvenating procedure is the long-lasting outcome. Although the time will continue to move forward, individuals who take very good care of their skin can enjoy the outcome for years, potentially even decades. Using the latest non-surgical techniques, it’s even possible to extend these results further.

Facelift surgery is designed to address skin and muscle laxity on the mid and lower face. A patient who is careful to limit sun and environmental damage, resist smoking, and maintain good skin care can often extend the benefits of their procedure compared to someone who does not do these things. Additionally, occasional non-surgical treatment using volumizing dermal fillers and ultrasound therapy may provide a rejuvenating boost that will reduce or eliminate the need for further surgery in the future. We offer these treatments through our med spa service.

There are many ways to get the most out of your facelift. To learn more about how to maintain your results as long as possible, please talk to our skilled medical team.
