Surgical Vs. Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation: Which One Is Right for Me?

Reducing the effects of the natural process of aging on the face can be accomplished a number of ways. Both surgical and non-surgical treatments offer solutions to common concerns, including wrinkles, volume loss, skin laxity, and more. While each approach has unique benefits, not all techniques are appropriate for all patients. Our board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Neal Goldberg, explains why an individual may decide to opt for a non-surgical procedure over a surgical one, or vice versa:

Mild to moderate visible signs of aging are often best addressed with non-surgical options, with the exception of skin laxity. Excess skin is difficult to address with diet, exercise, cosmetic injectables, fat injections, or similar techniques. However, fine lines and wrinkles, volume loss, and uneven skin tone and texture often can be improved with the latest minimally invasive procedures. Our partnership with a state-of-the-art medical spa gives patients access to the latest treatments, and Dr. Goldberg can help you determine the best choices for your needs and goals.

In addition to excess skin, patients who have deeper creases, descending tissue, loose neck muscles, or unwanted fatty tissue on the face, chin, and/or neck may be better served by utilizing a surgical procedure like a facelift. The latest techniques can achieve natural-looking results that typically last far longer than temporary non-surgical treatment.

Depending on your unique characteristics and desired outcome, Dr. Goldberg can provide guidance on whether surgical or non-surgical rejuvenation is right for you, and which procedure offers the best possible result.
