Cost of Male Breast Reduction

Despite popular belief, enlarged breast tissue is a relatively common concern faced by a number of male patients. That said, the pervasiveness of this condition—medically known as gynecomastia—does not reduce the embarrassment and self-consciousness often felt by men who have visible breasts. If you wish you could restore the flat planes of the chest for a more masculine aesthetic, you may have looked into male breast reduction as a possible solution to treat your gynecomastia. Cost is a major factor when considering any type of elective surgery, and being well-informed about the expenses associated with the procedure can help you make an educated decision about your health and appearance.

The average price of male breast reduction near Westchester, New York can range from $5,500 to $10,000. This figure varies depending on the surgical technique used to reduce the chest tissue in your unique case of gynecomastia. If a patient’s enlarged breasts are primarily due to excess fatty tissue, liposuction alone may be enough to flatten the chest. In cases wherein glandular tissue is causing the appearance of enlarged breasts, a surgical excision technique may be necessary. In creating a more masculine contour around the pectoral muscles, it’s not uncommon for a combination of both approaches to be utilized. In any case, the best way to estimate your potential expenses is to schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon so they can properly evaluate your concerns. After assessing your needs in person, he or she will be able to provide a personalized quote of your gynecomastia treatment. At the practice of Dr. Neal D. Goldberg, the price of male breast reduction can be made more affordable through financing with CareCredit® and ALPHAEON™ Credit, two widely used healthcare lending companies that each offer approved patients a more flexible method of payment. With an array of low- to no-interest payment plans to choose from, these respected financial institutions can allow gynecomastia patients to reclaim a positive body image while alleviating any budgetary concerns.

Ready to schedule a consultation? If you would like to learn more about male breast reduction, or if you would like to book an appointment with Dr. Goldberg, please contact our practice today.
