Can You Reduce Your Breast Size With Dieting and Exercise?

Excessively large and heavy breasts can pose many physical, emotional, and psychological concerns for individuals who struggle with a disproportionate breast size. Not only can dominating breasts make it difficult to exercise and play sports, but they also cause painful symptoms like aching, soreness, skin irritation, bra strap indentations, and poor posture. As a result, many women wonder whether natural solutions to a large breast size, such as dieting and exercise, would be enough to reduce the breasts. According to Dr. Neal Goldberg, our board-certified plastic surgeon, dieting and exercise are ineffective at providing a “natural breast reduction.”

Dominating breasts are typically composed of both breast tissue and fatty tissue. Loose, excess skin can also exacerbate the appearance of a large breast size, often leading to sagging or stretched breast contours. While dieting and exercise may help patients lose weight, it’s very difficult to specifically target the breasts in workouts. Chest-targeted exercises usually work to strengthen the pectoral muscles rather than make the breasts smaller, and do not affect glandular breast tissue. At this time, there is no non-surgical treatment or workout that can replicate the powerful results of a surgical breast reduction.

Fortunately, the breast reduction procedure can be life-changing in helping women enjoy a more youthful and rounded breast shape as well as a lighter, more manageable breast size. Breast reduction allows Dr. Goldberg to remove excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin in order to aesthetically reshape the breasts. Due to the nature of surgery, a breast lift is also performed to some extent to achieve a more proportionate breast size.

Dr. Goldberg understands that living with the weight of large, heavy breasts can hold patients back in many different aspects of their life. He is committed to developing a unique treatment plan to reduce your symptoms and achieve your goals, allowing you to feel more comfortable with your breast size. Contact our Westchester office for more information about our advanced breast procedures.
